How To Save Water in San Diego

Southern California citizens are currently facing one of the worst droughts in forty years. Homeowners are beginning to implement xeriscaping landscapes in their yards and driveways to help decrease the amount of water used during these dry seasons. Xeriscaping your home doesn’t have to a major decision. Even renovating a small portion of your backyard or driveway can save you money on maintenance and your water bill. Your homes landscape may contain plant species that require multiple watering’s a week to stay green and beautiful. Xeriscapes are designed to make your front yard, backyard, driveway, and patio landscapes looking just as beautiful and interesting, while keeping your wallet greener. Xeriscapes involve eliminating plant species that require substantial watering, and planting more drought-friendly species such as Torch Lilly’s (Kniphofia ssp) and Yucca. By using these water efficient plants, you can save close to $4000 a year on your water bill, compared to a traditional blue-grass lawn. As the population steadily increases in Southern California, it is understandable that the demand for water is going to rise. Below are some more plant species that are found in xeriscapes across Southern California. Yucca: There are many species of yucca, but some are native to the southwest region of the United States. They are known to grow in dry landscapes with minimal water usage. When in bloom, beautiful pale-ish flowers will grow upward. Torch Lilly (Kniphofia ssp): Native to California, Torch Lillie’s can bring some color to your home. When in bloom, they will start to sprout dozens of flowers in clusters at the top of the stem. These flowers will likely attract...

Beautiful Landscaping Ideas that will save water.

The state of California has been suffering from a three year drought. San Diego County is currently taking measures to prevent a water shortage by implementing rebates on residents. These packages are designed to create an eco-friendly patios, driveways, landscapes, and backyards with special plants known as succulents. These plants are known to use less water and require little maintenance. Palm trees and cactus are popular plant species that look great in driveways and front yards. In recent years, the demand for these drought friendly plants is steadily increasing each year. Below I will state a variety of different water conserving plants that will reduce your water bill and still leave your homes landscape looking amazing. Aloe aculeate Aloe affinis Agave havardiana Ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis)...

How to save water: Transform your front and backyard into water smart landscapes.

It has been known that San Diego, as well as the rest of California is in a serious drought.  This problem we are facing as southern Californians can be matched by decreasing your need of irrigation on your property landscaping.  It is known that lawns and certain brushes need high volumes of water to look beautiful and green. A lawn alone can be estimated to cost an additional $400 annually.   There are certain ways to keep your backyard landscape looking beautiful, while cutting down on your water consumption. Some projects incorporate the use of desert shrubs that will use less water than the usual lawn. These desert shrubs can adapt to the changing temperatures, while utilizing a minimal amount of water. These plants may lower your maintains cost, as well as transform your landscape into a eco-friendly environment, both appealing to the eye, as well as your wallet. Popular choices include California wildflowers and southwest regional plants like cactus or other plant succulents. . For more information about backyard remodeling or sustainable landscaping, please visit   The City of San Diego has implemented new legislation that are known as packages. These packages may lead to rebates. It is important to know that your home project must obey guidelines and qualifications to receive the discount. The County of San Diego wants all qualifications done before any rebates are distributed.   San Diego landscaping ideas could include a range of sustainable landscaping projects. Some projects include smart irrigation technology that can be modified to specific modes for certain plants. Landscaping often can be used to modify your homes cost, such...

The Benefits of Pavers

Do you want an unforgettable experience in your San Diego home? If you are planning on redesigning your home’s patio or driveway, this article will explain the benefits of having professionally installed paver architecture in your home. Having these high quality pavers will leave you and your home’s guest excited and impressed for years to come. Paving slabs will transform your San Diego home into an elegant piece of art that will provide comfort and durability to your property. The designs are limitless, allowing home owners to fully benefit from their San Diego home. From the pavers shape and color to the design and pattern, your property will be transformed into a unique home that you will enjoy day after day. Paving a landscape in San Diego can also raise your home value. The demand for concrete pavers in San Diego County has significantly increased in recent year, especially in North County and East County. Popular landscaping ideas that use pavers in the San Diego market include pool patios, driveways, and outdoor gardens. Other landscaping project ideas include backyard walkways and stairs. The design of the traditional concrete patio or driveway does not allow water to be distributed evenly, often leaving puddles and moisture to build up during wet weather. The design of pavers allows water to flow naturally and minimizes the amount of puddles and moisture left behind. Pavers also provide better traction during wet weather than the traditional concrete slab. Pavers are also more sustainable then the traditional concrete driveways. Interlocking pavers allow moisture and runoff from rain to naturally seep into the spaces between each paver....

Pro’s and Con’s: Pavers stacking up to the Traditional Concrete Patio

If you are planning on redesigning your patio or upgrading your home’s landscaping, choosing the right material isn’t always a walk in the park. Concrete can be vulnerable to the environment, often cracking under strained weather conditions. Interlocking paver slabs are designed to last longer and over time keep you home value up. In this article, we will be comparing the benefits of pavers slabs to the traditional concrete patio. It is clear that pavers are the better choice if you are looking for quality and durability. Concrete Pro’s: Concrete can be installed in many ways and in large dimensions. Mixing and installing your own concrete walk ways or patio doesn’t require many tools or skills, making it easier to attempt by do it yourself-ers. Concrete Con’s: Concrete is vulnerable to the elements, such as water and temperature. Concrete is difficult to un-install. The texture of the concrete slab will eventually fade away. Pavers Pro’s: Repairs are typically easier then other choices, each paver can be popped out and re-installed making them easier to replace. Water runs through the pavers, making runoff more natural and less harmful to the environment. Pavers, when installed correctly, have a contemporary design, often raising your home value. Pavers come in many sizes and designs, such as block paver, stone pavers, and concrete pavers. Pavers often can be found at around the same price as other traditional paving methods. If pavers are maintained correctly, the effects of weathering will significantly decrease, making them durable and preserving their color for years to come. Pavers Con’s: Weeds and other vegetation can be grow between pavers. If not...