How To Save Water in San Diego

Southern California citizens are currently facing one of the worst droughts in forty years. Homeowners are beginning to implement xeriscaping landscapes in their yards and driveways to help decrease the amount of water used during these dry seasons. Xeriscaping your home doesn’t have to a major decision. Even renovating a small portion of your backyard or driveway can save you money on maintenance and your water bill. Your homes landscape may contain plant species that require multiple watering’s a week to stay green and beautiful. Xeriscapes are designed to make your front yard, backyard, driveway, and patio landscapes looking just as beautiful and interesting, while keeping your wallet greener. Xeriscapes involve eliminating plant species that require substantial watering, and planting more drought-friendly species such as Torch Lilly’s (Kniphofia ssp) and Yucca.

By using these water efficient plants, you can save close to $4000 a year on your water bill, compared to a traditional blue-grass lawn. As the population steadily increases in Southern California, it is understandable that the demand for water is going to rise. Below are some more plant species that are found in xeriscapes across Southern California.

Yucca: There are many species of yucca, but some are native to the southwest region of the United States. They are known to grow in dry landscapes with minimal water usage. When in bloom, beautiful pale-ish flowers will grow upward.


Torch Lilly (Kniphofia ssp): Native to California, Torch Lillie’s can bring some color to your home. When in bloom, they will start to sprout dozens of flowers in clusters at the top of the stem. These flowers will likely attract hummingbirds, due to the intense red and orange color.



Nepeta ssp: Often known as Catmint, this plant produces blue-ish flowers that are beautiful when blooming. These plants bloom in the summer and require almost no maintenance.


Agastache: This plant’s flowers can range from different colors, though the most popular ones are orange and red. They have small tubular flowers that are known to attract hummingbirds. These flowers bloom in the summer and continue through the fall.



Lavandula multifida: This plant has thin stems that reach two to three feet tall that are native to the Mediterranean region. They are topped with purple and violet flowers that will bloom in the spring.



Strelitzia: Known to some as bird of paradise, this specie thrives best in sunny and warm conditions. If cared for correctly, they will bloom several times a year with exotic flowers, with hints of red, orange, and yellow

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